In my youth long ago I would have liked to go to University but that wasn't possible. Circumstances and financial restraints prohibited this for me and many of my generation. Later I was too busy working towards getting my four children through their education. The day came when I was made redundant and time stretched endlessly before me.
Many people in a similar situation of either voluntary or forced retirement, joined groups or volunteered in a new meaningful lifestyle. I couldn't do this because of my ineptness in social or community situations. Outside of work, I stayed at home and had very few contacts with other people. Fortunately, I was saved from absolute boredom through the internet particularly the new opportunities for studying online through distance education. Open Universities Australia opened their doors for me to a new and exciting world. Not only could I study at a University level but I had access to many of the best universities in Australia and a multitude of interesting study units.
My two favourites are Macquarie University for Philosophy and Curtin University for all things internet. If you are interested however I am sure there is lots of good stuff at the other Universities depending on your interests.